Welcome to my website. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to acquaint you with my ministries. Although this will be just an introduction to the work I do and the products that I offer, I hope that you will be able to discover ways in which you and I can connect and materials that might help you in your Christian journey. I believe that Christ is moving through His church in powerful ways to bring about a global awakening and to produce cultural reformation. My focus is to equip His people to be reformers.
Dr. Patti's Newest BookIn Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus invited His ekklesia into a council for governance. The idea of God working through a council is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. God governs the heavens through His angelic sons, who are often called sons of Elohim or bene elohim. God created the earth after the pattern found in heaven, including the creation of a family of human sons who were mandated to function as God's representative governors in the earth. This book, Ekklesia Council: A Tale of Two Families, lays the premise of the angelic family and the human family sitting together in God's council and co-laboring to advance God's Kingdom on the earth as it is in heaven.
The complete 3-year Reformation Training Institute!
Dr. Patti began the East Gate Reformation Training Institute in 2017. The R.T.I. is an apostolic training center focused upon raising up believers who have a biblical worldview and who can address cultural issues from that well-defined worldview. All three years of courses are available to train believers in a solid worldview.
Do you find it difficult to examine cultural events in light of God's design?
Each month I will be discussing the subject of reformation and supplying tools to assist you in viewing life situations through reformation lenses. Watch February's informative video clip to the right on the subject of "Personal Morality and Private Practices." |
After viewing this video, choose a category below and examine how accurately you are wearing reformation lenses. Each category has several questions that can aid you in developing a biblical perspective.
This track is for the individual
This track is for the parent who is
This track is for leaders who are