- Books by Dr. Patti
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- e-book for Kindle - Portals
God and Adam walked together in the Garden. After his transgression, Adam was expelled from God’s presence and excluded from the glory. From that event forward, mankind has sought a pathway back into the supernatural realm.
Pathways that connect the heavenly realm and the earthly realm are portals. Scripture abounds with references to portals that were opened between God and His elect. Satan counterfeits God’s ways, therefore, he seeks to have portals opened through which he can influence mankind. This book presents sound biblical doctrine and serves as a clarion call to the Body of Christ to open portals, thus releasing the power and presence of Heaven into the earth.
“Dr. Patti Amsden uniquely combines academic excellence with the operation of the spirit of revelation! This book will make a much-need contribution to one of the most pressing issues facing the body of Christ, i.e. how to scripturally engage in spiritual warfare. This volume gives insights I have not found anywhere else, and it will release victory in you and your ministry.”
Rev. Jim Hodges
President of Federation of Ministers and Churches International
“After reading Portals: Releasing the Power and Presence of God into the Earth, you will have witnessed an extremely unique gift from God. Dr. Patti Amsden beautifully weds revelation from the Word with application for your life! As a theologian and scholar, her insights will remind you of the revelation Apostle Paul so often taught. As a practitioner and leader, her insights will remind you of the wisdom Apostle James so often demonstrated. This book will inspire, excite, and instruct all those who read it!”
Rev. Hope Taylor
Director, International Leadership Embassy of Washington, D.C.
“The prophetic insight and theological understanding contained in this book are earth shattering! That is exactly what the Father intended. Now is the time and this is the hour for the church to arise and to welcome the King of Glory through Portals. Thank you, Dr. Patti, for releasing the revelation and scriptural understanding of these age-abiding doors. This book is a must for intercessors.”
James Nesbit
Director, Prepare the Way Ministries International
Pathways that connect the heavenly realm and the earthly realm are portals. Scripture abounds with references to portals that were opened between God and His elect. Satan counterfeits God’s ways, therefore, he seeks to have portals opened through which he can influence mankind. This book presents sound biblical doctrine and serves as a clarion call to the Body of Christ to open portals, thus releasing the power and presence of Heaven into the earth.
“Dr. Patti Amsden uniquely combines academic excellence with the operation of the spirit of revelation! This book will make a much-need contribution to one of the most pressing issues facing the body of Christ, i.e. how to scripturally engage in spiritual warfare. This volume gives insights I have not found anywhere else, and it will release victory in you and your ministry.”
Rev. Jim Hodges
President of Federation of Ministers and Churches International
“After reading Portals: Releasing the Power and Presence of God into the Earth, you will have witnessed an extremely unique gift from God. Dr. Patti Amsden beautifully weds revelation from the Word with application for your life! As a theologian and scholar, her insights will remind you of the revelation Apostle Paul so often taught. As a practitioner and leader, her insights will remind you of the wisdom Apostle James so often demonstrated. This book will inspire, excite, and instruct all those who read it!”
Rev. Hope Taylor
Director, International Leadership Embassy of Washington, D.C.
“The prophetic insight and theological understanding contained in this book are earth shattering! That is exactly what the Father intended. Now is the time and this is the hour for the church to arise and to welcome the King of Glory through Portals. Thank you, Dr. Patti, for releasing the revelation and scriptural understanding of these age-abiding doors. This book is a must for intercessors.”
James Nesbit
Director, Prepare the Way Ministries International