- Books by Dr. Patti
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- The Law of Boundaries - Paperback
God has placed boundaries throughout all of creation and has appointed keepers within each boundary. The appointed keepers, or stewards, must work within their assigned space for the prosperity and protection of that over which they are assigned. “No Trespassing” signs are posted to communicate a warning that everything within the boundary is off limits to everyone but the rightful stewards. Trespassers will be prosecuted. This book defines boundaries and details principles of guarding boundaries, enlarging boundaries and cleansing boundaries. Filled with scriptural truths and practical guides, this manuscript is a must for every Christian who desires to hear the words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”
The first section of the book details boundary principles in light of numerous scripture passages and Bible stories. The Lord’s prayer is examined in detail as a boundary prayer and revelation is shed upon this familiar Christian landmark. Readers will be challenged to examine their lives to discover whether they trespass against others or if they allow others to illegally cross their boundaries and trespass against them. If trespass occurs, sin occurs. Boundary violations are sins. The first section of this book identifies boundary sin and informs the readers how to deal with the transgressions.
The second section of The Law of Boundaries covers the Ten Commandments or the ten boundary laws of Moses. A subject too seldom studied by today’s believers, this fresh look at God’s eternal law from the perspective of boundaries will challenge all readers to reiterate the words of the psalmists, “O how love I thy law! It is my mediation all the day” (PS. 119:97). One chapter is dedicated to each law and to the discovery of the basic boundary which God set as He gave each law.
The material contained within the pages of this book is applicable to the casual reader and the most energetic student alike.
“In a day when divine boundaries are being violated in both the church and society, Patti’s outstanding book gives us hope concerning the restoration purposes of God in history! She beautifully weaves together theological, biblical, biographical, and practical insights so that the reader cannot miss the dynamic revelation that is released in this volume. Particularly helpful for me was her application of The Law of Boundaries to the prayer life of the believer and the church. You cannot be the same after reading this timely book!”
~ Jim Hodges, President of Federation
of Ministers and Churches, Inc.
The first section of the book details boundary principles in light of numerous scripture passages and Bible stories. The Lord’s prayer is examined in detail as a boundary prayer and revelation is shed upon this familiar Christian landmark. Readers will be challenged to examine their lives to discover whether they trespass against others or if they allow others to illegally cross their boundaries and trespass against them. If trespass occurs, sin occurs. Boundary violations are sins. The first section of this book identifies boundary sin and informs the readers how to deal with the transgressions.
The second section of The Law of Boundaries covers the Ten Commandments or the ten boundary laws of Moses. A subject too seldom studied by today’s believers, this fresh look at God’s eternal law from the perspective of boundaries will challenge all readers to reiterate the words of the psalmists, “O how love I thy law! It is my mediation all the day” (PS. 119:97). One chapter is dedicated to each law and to the discovery of the basic boundary which God set as He gave each law.
The material contained within the pages of this book is applicable to the casual reader and the most energetic student alike.
“In a day when divine boundaries are being violated in both the church and society, Patti’s outstanding book gives us hope concerning the restoration purposes of God in history! She beautifully weaves together theological, biblical, biographical, and practical insights so that the reader cannot miss the dynamic revelation that is released in this volume. Particularly helpful for me was her application of The Law of Boundaries to the prayer life of the believer and the church. You cannot be the same after reading this timely book!”
~ Jim Hodges, President of Federation
of Ministers and Churches, Inc.